Summer in Pictures

I’ve got a sneaky confession.

I’m not one of those parents that secretly breathes a sigh of relief when September comes around. I love summer. I love long days that we can fill with our own adventures, finding new places, trying new things.

This summer has been just what a summer should be – long, hot, and filled with adventure. Although having to carry a rifle case into a US airport because my daughter’s toy ninja sticks don’t fit in a suitcase isn’t an adventure I’m in any hurry to repeat.

Ah well, at least we have some kick-ass memories to get us through the winter. Here’s hoping your summer was every bit as good.

Now, does anyone have any great tips on how the heck I motivate myself to do some work this month?


6 thoughts on “Summer in Pictures”

  1. I love getting to see snippets of the amazing memories you’re making with Flea. Ours was a wonderfully lazy summer. Though I’ll admit I was relieved to get Max back to the usual routine of school. He struggled a bit in the last week, bless him.
    Barbecues and sunshine with my boys and the new man was the highlight. Our new house has become our home. Can’t beat it! 🙂

  2. It’s refreshing to hear someone say that they’re not looking forward to the kids going back to school – too many people are too quick to see the end of summer. Lovely photos – you had a fantastic time!

  3. Sally I’m so happy to hear you say that! I love school holidays and spending time with my kids. It’s a blessing not a chore! I hear so many people say, “Bet you can’t wait till they’re back at school!” What? Kids are amazing, animated and lots of fun! I dread the end of the holidays, love them!
    It will be so hard to get back into work after the awesome holiday you have had, the only thing you can do is look forward to the next one!!

  4. Am loving your accounts of mummy-kiddy fun times! I spend every weekend alone with my three year-old as her dad works away and struggle to keep coming up with new ideas of things to do (I am NOT the artsy-craftsy type of mother!)…. so thanks for the insipration!

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