The One with the Random Blogger Q&A

copenhagenWho’s the Mummy is going to turn ten years old later this year.

It’s scary to think this blog has seen Flea through nursery, primary school and into senior school. It’s outlasted two boyfriends, three offices, two pets, and several redecoration projects.

On the basis that not everyone reading this blog NOW was reading it back THEN, I figured it was about a time to do a bit of a refresher post… all about ME.

Hurrah! My favourite subject (just kidding).

So I’ve cobbled together a blogger-themed Q&A and here it is. All the random facts you never knew you needed in your life, about Sally Whittle, author of this here blog.


When was the last time you cried?

I cried at a YouTube video this weekend. It was about the 20th time I’d watched it, so there’s no excuse.

It’s a video of the rehearsal of This is Me from The Greatest Showman, and the bit where Hugh Jackman sobs with emotion makes me want to cry like a little girl.

If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?

I’d like to think so. I think I’m a good person.

But… I’m a crap friend in lots of ways. I’m not great at “chatting”.

Like, do you ever do that thing where you realise five minutes into a conversation you forgot to ask someone about a vital job interview or medical results, and now if you ask it’ll look awkward?

So you end up

  • not asking them because it’s awkward, and
  • not really paying attention to everything else they’re saying, because you’re worrying about the thing you forgot to say?

Possibly, it’s just me.

Do you use sarcasm a lot?

Only when I talk.

What’s the first thing you notice about people?

Smiles. Then probably hair. I’m always impressed by people who have hair STYLES. I definitely just have hair.

Scary movie or happy endings?

Always happy endings. I never really understood what part of horror movies is supposed to be fun. I love comedies. Also, I’ve probably watched pretty much every Hallmark movie ever made. Especially the Christmas ones.

Favorite smells?

Vanilla. I also love the smell of the beach, and coffee.

What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home?

I’m not sure I’ve measured it, but probably the press trip I took to Thailand a couple of years ago.

sally whittle in thailand

What I remember most is that I’d never known humidity OR jet-lag quite like it. The highlight of the whole trip, though, was riding through crowded roads on the back of a motorcycle taxi, clinging on so hard I couldn’t feel my fingers.

Do you have any special talents?

I can ‘flair’ bottles like Tom Cruise in Cocktail. I can do shorthand, and I know basic Makaton sign language.

I’m a first aider, which isn’t special as such, but you should know that if you choke on something while you’re at my house, I’ve got your back.

Where were you born?

Weirdly, I’m not 100 percent sure. I was born to a 16-year-old and wound up in foster care six months later, so the details of my birth are a bit sketchy. I could probably find out if I needed to, it’s not like a big secret, or anything.

What are your hobbies?

I’ve always loved reading. And movies. Also completely obsessed with box sets. Basically I love to immerse myself in a good story.

Aside from that, swimming is probably my happy place. And just spending time with Flea.

sally whittle who's the mummy

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a journalist for most of my childhood. I kept diaries religiously because someone told me that writers should always be writing. I used to beg for blank newspapers from the fish and chip shop and make my own papers.

How many countries have you been to?

Wow, genuinely not sure. Maybe 25 or 30?

I’ve travelled a lot with my job as a journalist, and since having Flea we have taken a lot of trips together.

la jolla beach

What was your favourite/worst subject in School?

I was always really good at English. Big surprise, right?

Actually, I was quite good at most things at school but I was a bit of a teenage rebel, and my teachers didn’t LOVE me, I must confess.

My GCSE biology teacher once made me stand up in class and then said, “Everyone look at Sally Whittle. Look at her. That is what failure looks like.” 

What is your Favourite drink? 

I don’t drink alcohol very often, but when I do, there’s nothing nicer than a cold beer at the end of a hot day.

The rest of the time it’s probably coffee. White, skim milk, no sugar.

What would you (or have you) named your children?

Well, I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you. Seriously, we do call Flea “Flea” so in a sense that is her real name. But it’s not her full name. I choose not to share that online.

For good reason, as it turns out.

Who are some of your favourite YouTubers?

I struggle a bit with vloggers sometimes, because it’s all a bit, “Ooh, I’m wealthy and attractive and live in a perfect house, but I’m just like you, honest! Hashtag relatable!” 

I use YouTube in a functional way – checking out hotels and destinations for trips, working out how to repair stuff, or (most often) how to set up new appliances in our home.

How many Boyfriends have you had?

Not as many as I would have had if I didn’t go to an all-girls school.

Seriously, I barely met any boys until I was 18, and at that point I had no skillz in the flirting department. Thanks, Mum.

Favourite memory from childhood?

Loads. I had a really happy childhood and I remember almost all of it fondly. Particularly because of the people I got to spend it with, some of whom aren’t here any more.


How would you describe your fashion sense?

Non-existent. I basically need one of those smart wardrobes that dresses you, like Cher from Clueless.

True story: when I was 21, I was applying for a post-grad in journalism, and I was shortlisted for a scholarship paid for by Cosmopolitan.

Ten minutes into the interview, the lady from Cosmo asked me what I thought of the magazine’s fashion section. “Ugh, I never read THAT,” I said.

If only I’d realised that I was being interviewed by the fashion editor.

I didn’t get the scholarship.

Tell us one of your bad habits!

Worrying about all the Terrible Things That Could Happen. I can name the symptoms of pretty much every life-threatening ailment. On a bad day, I can identify at least five of them happening to me.

I’m quite the treat to sit opposite at work, as you can imagine.

[I’m tagging some other bloggers who I’d love to do this Q&A – over to Colette, Donna, Sonia, Deb and Jaymee!]


I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know me a little better! Why not copy and paste these questions and answer them on your blog? Tweet me me if you do as I’d love to have a read.

4 thoughts on “The One with the Random Blogger Q&A”

  1. Oh I love this so much! I’ve stepped in and out of your blog loads over the past ten years but I still learnt some new things about you. The teacher shouting “this is what failure looks like” made my blood boil and I felt all protective over you, even though you’re a grown up now and you obviously did not ‘fail at life’

    I might just tag myself and write my own Q&A, though it won’t be near as interesting as yours x

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