Gifts for PE Teachers: Do you buy them?

PE teacher gifts

Sponsored post in collaboration with Sanctuary Spa 

What are the best gifts for PE teachers?

About this time of year, there’s always a lot of conversation on social media about the best gifts for teachers.

Should you buy a mug? Should you make a home-made card? Should you ditch the whole teacher gift thing because teachers don’t want 57,000 mugs anyway?

As senior school rolls around, you have less contact with class teachers. And – I am reliably informed – it would be COMPLETELY WEIRD AND LAME to buy a gift for a secondary school teacher.

But there is one group of teachers I have continued to buy gifts for, and that’s the PE teachers.

A Great PE Teacher is a Wonderful Thing

When Flea was in junior school, she was definitely labelled “not sporty”

Flea attended a school where the after-school sports clubs were invite-only, and she definitely didn’t get the invite. Instead we were regularly told we needed to “work on her fitness”.

When she started senior school, Flea met a PE teacher called Miss D, who changed everything. Miss D believed that everyone who came to practice, and wanted to play a sport, should be able to play.

She was the sort of teacher who gave everyone a chance to join in with matches. Maybe not a whole match, or every match. But everyone who wanted to be on a team, and tried hard, and showed up, would get a chance to take part.

By the end of Flea’s first term at secondary school, she was on the hockey team.

With Miss D’s encouragement, Flea joined the local club, and was selected to play for the county.

flea hockey

Eventually, Flea was playing or practicing hockey five days a week. She learned so much thanks to amazing PE teachers like Miss D and the other female sports staff and coaches.

After hockey season ended, Flea started playing in tennis and rounders matches. She even joined the cross-country club.

Taking part in sport taught Flea so much about confidence, teamwork and friendship. Being on a team taught her about the importance of showing up, because your team-mates rely on you.

Flea is now at a school with a slightly less inclusive approach to sport. But she’s still playing club and county hockey out of school hours, and goes to our local gym for spinning classes and tennis coaching.

I put this entirely down to the influence of those PE teachers who gave my girl the confidence to say, “It doesn’t matter if I’m not the best. I can still take part, and work hard, and have fun.” 

PE teacher gifts

If you find a teacher who can give your child those things, why wouldn’t you want to say thank you?

Should you buy Gifts for PE Teachers?

I’ve met PE teachers who are amazing and inspiring and kind and wonderful. And I’ve met PE teachers who are… not.

If your child is lucky enough to have a great teacher, then I say YES you should absolutely buy gifts for PE teachers (assuming you’re doing gifts for teachers at all).

It’s not just because they’re teaching our kids important life lessons.

They’re also up at an ungodly hour every weekend, taking them to away matches.

hockey gifts

They’re out on freezing pitches after school, explaining some technique to our children for the umpteenth time. When presumably they’d rather be on the sofa with a cuppa, like any normal person.

They’re the ones who have to sort through all that lost kit at the end of term. This act alone deserves some sort of bravery medal. Have you smelled a secondary school changing room lately?

When Flea left her school, I cried after I said goodbye to Miss D. Because she honestly and truly changed Flea’s life (just a bit) for the better. I truly hope she and her colleagues know how much of a difference they made to my girl, and how very grateful we are.

Our Top Gifts for PE Teachers

My general rule when it comes to gifts for PE teachers is – think consumables.

Nobody wants to find house room for 30 gifts at the end of term. So look for things that can be used, and won’t take up any space.

I also like gifts that can be shared. In secondary school, the chances are there are multiple PE teachers who work with your child.

A couple of years back, I did buy my old PE teacher/hockey coach this cute print as a thank you gift. She was coaching Flea and I realised it was the perfect opportunity to thank her for all the things she’d done for me during my own teenage years. Proving it’s never too late for a thank you!

perfect gifts for PE teachers


Depending on your budget, a great teacher gift might be something like a Starbucks coffee gift card, or whichever chain is near to the school. Over the years, I’ve also given bottles of wine, and on one occasion I sent a small hamper to the PE department, for them to share.

This week, we’ve been testing out the new Sanctuary Spa range after being gifted a selection of products from the range.

Sanctuary Spa is a GREAT option if you’re looking for a teacher gift this month, and it’s perfect for your friendly PE teacher. What’s nicer after spending all day in the cold and rain, or running in the hot sun, than something you can pamper yourself with?

Sanctuary Spa Gifting Range

sanctuary spa teacher gifts

These little gift packages make perfect gifts for PE teachers. They smell divine, are budget-friendly AND currently on special offer at Sainsbury’s. Flea especially loved the thermal face mask, and I’ve nabbed the hand cream for my desk.

gifts for PE teachers

I love that these are small, consumable gifts. They’re great quality, and perfect for a bit of pampering after a sub-zero hockey or football practice!

Check out the Sainsbury’s website to see all the options, or keep an eye out when you’re doing your grocery shopping this week!

I’d love to know what you think about teacher gifts – do you ever think about cards and gifts for PE teachers and coaches?  If you have an amazing coach or PE teacher, I hope I’ve inspired you to give them a small gift to say thanks for all they do! 


3 thoughts on “Gifts for PE Teachers: Do you buy them?”

  1. So good to hear that one of the PE teachers really inspired Flea to get into sport. My kids are everything that’s wrong with primary school sport. They can’t sprint, the oldest can’t catch because she can’t see properly so they think (and say) they’re no good at sport. But if you put them on a bike or in a swimming pool, they’d leave all the other kids for dust. Funnily enough, we’ve got Sanctuary Spa products for one of the girls’ teaching assistants.

  2. My daughter is ace at tennis but school seems to do every sport but…so she thinks she’s not sporty. such a shame she is a great cheerleader and team player and just needs a champion!

  3. Good to see how a PE teacher inspired Flea into sports. Though most of the kids nowadays tend to keep themselves away from sports or other physical activities more often.

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